I was wondering to myself today....
"What good are our talents if we don't get to use them?"
I have seen so many wonderfully talented people lately via the internet.
Whether it is sewing (as I mentioned in my last post)
or baking and creating wonderful parties for people.
Something I have always wanted to do.
Which brings me back to my question above.
Is it a money thing? Yes.
Is it a time thing? Yes.
Is it a location thing? Yes.
Is it an abundance of friends and family close by to share talents with? YES.
None of these thing's I have going for me right now.
So many of you have the opportunity to throw lavish parties for long time friends and associates.
Some of you have ( what seems like) a never ending cash flow and cost is no option.
Many of you live in the same places you grew up so friends and family
and "connections" are an abundant resource for you.
Or you live in an area that has many options and resources that can help you create.
For now, I live viariously through those of you who have the opportunity to do these things.
One day, I hope my talents can be shared with others.
In the mean time, I share with you some wonderful ideas.
I bet that it makes you crave something sweet!
for some great ideas and some neat links.

{Aren't these cake toppers cute?
Lollipop workshop}

{A fun bridesmaid OR young womens treat}

{Cookies with fondant decoration from Better bit of Butter}

{These are little cakes}