Monday, August 31, 2009

Potty mouth

In my daily mommyhood, I tend to have many teaching moments.

I am trying to teach Emersyn about going potty even before I know she is ready.

So, this morning Emersyn pointed to the potty

and said, "Poopoo"!

Then...she pointed to the sink and said, "Han" (hands)

She is SO smart!
Maybe this means she will potty training early?
One can only hope!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

School mornings...and afternoons

Our school mornings are rather hectic.....
Wake the kids up at 5:30am, off to seminary at 6:30am,
pick up L&B at seminary at 7:20 am,
Carsen to school at 7:30,

You get the idea...

Lunden's friend Samantha and her mom were coming to pick up L&B
at 7:50 am just as I would get home from taking Carsen to school.
We found out that they were carpooling from seminary over to the high school.
A much better arragngement for everyone.
In the afternoon we have Carsen riding the bus home
This has really made things much more simple.
I don't have to wake up Emersyn from her nap
to go get him when Ben is out of town.
All I have to do at 3:20 is go and pick up L&B and Samantha at school.


These ARE the day's!

( the girl's call eachother and coordinate outfits)

(Showing school spirit! Go wildcats!)

Carsen's 1st bus ride home from school....

So, I noticed when Carsen was getting off the bus
he was wearing shorts that were NOT cute and NOT his...
I guess he got pretty dirty at school.
I would have loved to capture Carsen looking adorable in the clothes (pants)
I put on him that morning for his first ever bus ride from school picture.
Oh well. Stuff happens.
He still looks adorable getting off the bus!
Until next time....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yank 'em out!

I don't have any picture for this blog but I wanted to mention that
we took Carsen to the ear, nose and throat doctor
and Carsen is going to have his tonsills taken out.
The doctor said that on a scale of 1-4..4 being worst...
Carsen's tonsills are a 3.
They are always swollen. Always.
They are very large and disrupt sleeping and eating.
So, we have his out-patient surgery scheduled for October 9th.
It will be a 1-2 week recovery.
We think this will help him so much and make Carsen more comfortable in life.
Until next time....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

*~*My look alikes*~*

When I took this picture of
Emersyn the other day
I thought she looked familiar....
She looks alot like this little guy, Logan
This was taken nearly 2 years ago!
Don't the silly faces look really similar?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year..wait, that's Christmas!

Yesterday, we took Carsen to the elementary school for a "drop-in"
to meet his teacher and
take his school supplies to her.
Needless to say, he was less than thrilled.
The pictures say it all....

{"Oh mom, do I have to?"}
{Which room do we go to?}

{They decorate the sailboat for all the special occassions}

{1st grade hall}

{What a face!}

{carrying his school supplies in}

{His classroom}

First day of school!!
Today I took Carsen to school.
He didn't want me to walk in with him.
He wanted to have me drop him off at the curb.
I told him that todaywas a special day for me too
and all the Mom's and Dad's want to
walk their kid's in the first day.
He told me that he knew where to go and didn't need me to go in.
He is our independant child!

{He is pretty smiley for 7:30 am}

{anoyed with me and the camera}

{isn't his teacher adorable?!}
{finding out where to hang his backpack}

Then we have my twins who entered high school today!

{baby A}

{Baby B}
Brennen was pretty nervous last night.
I am hoping that walking him through the school
and talking to him last night calmed some...
most of his fears.
In a few days/weeks they will be completely adjusted
to this big ,new world of high school.
Now, let's just hope I feel the same way!
My babies!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

19 months and counting

Miss Emersyn May is growing so fast!
She is 19 months old, today!

{she loves shoes}

{singing and dancing are her favorite thing}

{she is very expressive and has lot's of cute faces she makes}

{very girly}

{but she has attitude too!}
Emersyn can count to 10
Her vocabulary is really good but she loves to say:
She loves watching Hannah Montana
Singing and dancing on the hearth- its her stage
Her terrible two's have started
She loves her nighttime songs
(Buzz buzz and caterpillar in a tree}
She loves to help mommy vacume
She loves to hold a rag and dust
She can fold her arms, bow her head and close her eyes and say a little prayer - with help.
She continues to be the best baby girl ever.
She is precious and sweet with a little bit of attitude and sass.
We love you Emersyn!!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The chapel doors seem to say to me.......

"Shh be still".
Do they even SING this song in primary anymore??
Well, the Chapel doors seem to say to my kids
Be as annoying as you can and embarrass the crap out of your parent's.

I'm just being honest....
This is how I feel once the FIRST hour is over with!
It's a juggling act with Emersyn off and on the church pews,
wanting hymn books, wanting a toy, not wanting a toy, talking very loudly,
singing and dancing to the music ( this one is cute), saying "AMEN" really loudly
(this is a keeper too),
wanting sissy, brother,
and mommy all within 1 minute,
Getting out all the snacks and drinks I brought to see what will make her happy and be quiet.
I mean, reverent.
I walk out of the chapel thinking
" whew I am glad that is over with!"
Still, my babies all still look stinkin' cute and no one can deny that!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Getting a toothache

I was wondering to myself today....
"What good are our talents if we don't get to use them?"
I have seen so many wonderfully talented people lately via the internet.
Whether it is sewing (as I mentioned in my last post)
or baking and creating wonderful parties for people.
Something I have always wanted to do.
Which brings me back to my question above.
Is it a money thing? Yes.
Is it a time thing? Yes.
Is it a location thing? Yes.
Is it an abundance of friends and family close by to share talents with? YES.
None of these thing's I have going for me right now.
So many of you have the opportunity to throw lavish parties for long time friends and associates.
Some of you have ( what seems like) a never ending cash flow and cost is no option.
Many of you live in the same places you grew up so friends and family
and "connections" are an abundant resource for you.
Or you live in an area that has many options and resources that can help you create.
For now, I live viariously through those of you who have the opportunity to do these things.
One day, I hope my talents can be shared with others.
In the mean time, I share with you some wonderful ideas.
I bet that it makes you crave something sweet!
for some great ideas and some neat links.

{Aren't these cake toppers cute? Lollipop workshop}

{A fun bridesmaid OR young womens treat}

{Cookies with fondant decoration from Better bit of Butter}

{These are little cakes}

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wall sticker giveaway

All great things lead back to Etsy!
I told you in my last post how great Etsy is...
Well, DESIGN DAZZLE is a blog I love to follow. Great ideas AND links
to other great blogs and sites!
Today, Design Dazzle is partnering up with LOVE LETTERS ,on Etsy,
for a wall Sticker Giveaway!

They are giving 50$ worth of littleloveletters, a nice little etsy shop which creates vinyl wall decals and more!
Check both of these great sites out

( a few examples below)

Until next time.......

Saturday, August 8, 2009

To sew or not to sew

This has been the BIG question on my mind lately and a new desire of mine to try.
There is SO much talent on Etsy!
I have seen many wonderful designs and patterns.
It has given me the push to try some of these simple-ish patterns and lines.
We shall see!
Now all I need is a sewing machine!!
Check out some of these precious clothing designs.....
I have to say that I absolutley LOVE all of these things.
Classic, chic, cute, carefree, simple lines...
{an * means that I have purchased it)
{ruffle pants and damask top from SpicedSugar- Etsy}

*{ Darling tunic dresses from illiakids - Etsy}

* {Peasant dress from Dress ReHERsal on Etsy}

*{Really cute cap and Bell sleeved peasant tops @ Dress ReHERsal}

{Really precious headbands @ bubbaloubands}

*{I bought these for Emersyn from MIA JOIE}

{ Precious little leg warmers and shoes from MIA JOIE}

{Fuzzy shoes from Mia Joie}

{LOVE these ruffled leggings from EDENS BOUQUET}

{The newest addition to the Edens Bouquet line- crocheted slippers}

{I would love to learn how to sew bloomers like these from Edens Bouquet}

If you haven't checked out Etsy yet, you should.
It's my new fun thing to search through during naps and bedtime.
I'm getting all sorts of ideas.
We are only limited by our imagination, right?
I hope I can find a niche somewhere in this Etsy world.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Colors changing already

I blogged about this a few days ago and I told you
I would take photos of the leaves changing.
Maybe I am lame but I get a kick out of thing's like this.
My favorite season is fall.
The pictures aren't that great because I was in the car BUT
you can definatley see the changing colors!

{ It seems as though the maples turn first}

{ This tree is turning yellow}

{another maple changing}
I hope we can go up north this fall and see the colors.
It's amazing!
I wonder if it means winter will come a little early this year?