Friday, September 11, 2009

~Never forget~

I have such a wave of emotions within me this morning.

8 years ago this morning 9-11 attacks were taking place.

I know that we can all remember where we were this day, 8 years ago.

My twins and I were living with my parents ( after my divorce) in California.

My parents were in DC that day/week on business.

I was worried sick.

Details I cannot go into...

My dad finally called me and told me he and my mother were ok.

My mom saw the plane go into the Pentagon.

Their hotel right across the street from the Pentagon.

My mother, an RN, started a triage at the hotel taking care of the injured and wound

who were walking away from the Pentagon and walking across the street toward the hotel.

I watch the footage on the news from what happend 8 years ago

and I get that anxious,scared feeling all over again.

It angers me, and completely saddens me.

I was not remarried yet and my twins were only in Kindergarten.

So much has changed since that day, for the better.

I pray that we never forget that moment in time

and also remember that

"The way to be safe is to never be secure"

~Ben Franklin

1 comment:

Doug and Kim Waters said...

Hey April-

Love your recent posts. Love Emersyn's bows. You visited two of my favorite places (actually three -- Charlotte (my home town), Pottery Barn and Cheesecake Factory. Glad you had a fun time with your parents. I love hearing about where everyone was on 9-11. It sends me back to that morning as well. It makes me so grateful for the gospel and for my family. Two things that are priceless. Still praying to be your neighbor!!!

lol Kim