Monday, January 18, 2010

......Part II

More photos from Emmy's actual birthDAY......

{More birthday cake!}

{ Our 2 year old }

{ Her new play house }

{ Lil stinker wouldn't smile }

 Emmy and her dollar that G-paw put in her new Hello Kitty purse the previous day!

{ Logan looks so cute here }

{ Miss Emersyn hammin' it up }

{ showin' off her furry boots }

 I thought she looked like a little scandanavian doll in this outfit


Joneel said...

I'll never forget how sweet she was when we came over with Stella.
She won me over that day.

Annie said...

AWWWWW how precious!
i love her little outfits!
and she is TOO CUTE carrying that dollar around with her!