Friday, June 26, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting

Lunden and Brennen babysat for us this week.
Which doesn't happen very often at all!
We definatley need to do that more often!!
Ben had a business dinner for work so, I went along.
It was just nice to get out. No kids.
Of course, I texted Lunden the entire time.
Lunden snapped this picture of Logan out cold on a computer chair.
It actually looks pretty comfy!!

Emersyn hanging out in Lundens room

Emersyn loves to listen to Lunden's juke box, play with the magnents on the refrigerator

and look at all the pictures that Lunden has up on her wall.

Emersyn was hanging out in Lundens room, listening to music.

You can hear her saying, "Hannah! Hannah!" for Hannah Montana.

(sorry it's sideways)

So smart!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

LOL- tooo cute! HOW FUN- a date night! whoooo weeee
ok- LOVIN' the twilight pics in lundens room!