Friday, April 17, 2009

15 months old today

I just thought it would be fun to share a few new pictures
on this day......
The day Emersyn is 15 months!
{Happy Easter}
The retched camera I was using gave wrong dates. grr!
{ Our Emmy bug }

{giving her new baby loves}

{ she LOVES playing with the kitchen! }

We have the Baby First TV channel. It is a really cute channel for Emersyn's age group.
The song on this video is Emersyn's favorite song!!
Wherever she is in the house, she will come watch this and dance.
Usually, I hold her and dance while singing the song to her. Its precious.
If you can, try out the Baby First tv channel.

Emersyn also loves to sing and act out parts of the HSM movies.
She will sing, dance, use her arms to copy what the actors are doing.
She really just loves music in general.
Since she was in my belly it has been her thing.
When I hadn't felt her moving in awhile I would get in the car
turn on HSM2 songs and she would start moving around!

She loves her new bracelets and actually keeps them on!

Lunden and I caught Emersyn putting on her pretend lipstick that comes in her cute little toy purse.

When we tell Emmy " Let's go change your diaper" she will quickly move away and and say "no".

I love when she cuddles with me or pats my arm/back when I hold her.
I love it when I give her eskimo kisses and she giggles.

She still isn't walking but that's ok. She has taken a few steps on her own.
It's just a matter of time.
Honestly, as much time as she get's down on the floor playing,
she get's even more time in our arms!

Emersyn, we love you pretty!

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