Friday, February 13, 2009

Sweet's for the sweet

{Isn't it cute?}

Today was my Valentine's baking day.

Cupcakes have become so popular but we don't have any specialty shops that sell pretty cupcakes. So, I decided to try and make some fancy shmancy cupcakes on my own. I busted out my decorator bags and frosting tips and got to work. I was actually pretty proud of myself! Next time, I will make buttercream frosting. The can stuff doesn't hold up all that well.

{Logan giving me his wink of approval}

I also made my famous sugar cookies.

When I pass these babies out I am always asked for the recipe. Yep, they are that good! I tripled the batch and I think I counted out 5 dozen when I was all finished baking! Whew!

I Can't wait to pass these out to friend's and neighbors tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those look yummy! We're making sugar cookies today too.