Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Field trip

 We have been planning this trip to the Los Angeles zoo since finding out that Logan
and his first grade classes were going to go on a field trip.
Unfortunately, Carsen had star testing ( California state exams) that day so he couldn't tag along but Grandma was going to pick him up and have some special time after school..ice cream!
But... I brought along my baby girl's and Lunden's BF,Steven.

Since we couldn't go on the bus with Logan we drove down to meet up with the kid's/buses.
Sadly, we couldn't find Logan or any of the classes when we first arrived. It must've been field trip to the zoo for every school in the southern California area. It was crazy busy with kid's from schools from all over.
 I was hoping to follow Logan around and take photos,etc. We searched and searched the entire day for Logan. I was so bummed no to experience the zoo with him.
While walking the zoo, I ran into a mom with a couple kids from Logans school ( wearing the school logo) and she told me that becuase there were so many parents on the buses they were able to break the groups down into even smaller groups of two-three kids. Ugh. I was never going to find my baby!

The kid's and I went ahead and walked the zoo, went back to the car and had a "tail-gate" lunch. Sandwiches, chips, cookies, grapes. drinks,etc  and then went back into the zoo.
 All the while keeping our eyes peeled for Logan.
While in the gift shops we saw several kid's purchasing gifts and I did come across yet another mom with some kids wearing school  t-shirts. This time,  I asked where everyone was meeting to get back on the buses. We went to that exact spot and waited! I finally saw Logan coming down the stairs!
My baby!
We both talked about how we looked and looked for each other all day.
I talked to his teacher, signed Logan out and kept Logan with us the remainder of the day.
Logan thought he was pretty cool for getting to stay longer at the zoo too!

After the zoo we drove around and up to the Observatory. I love it up there. Very peaceful.
 I wish it had been a clearer day but it was still enjoyable.

I guess I will let the photos do the rest of the talking.....

Until next time......
Look around. There is always something to say WOW about